



30年前, the idea of doctors being able to prescribe medicines according to a patient’s individual characteristics was simply a theory or, 据一些人说, 一种幻想. 科学家们对疾病的生物学原因缺乏足够的了解, 更不用说如何识别最有可能对某些治疗产生反应的患者了. 现在,随着精准医学的研究,这一切都改变了. In 2018, 42% of medicines approved by the US FDA were linked to a diagnostic test or disease sub-group2

当然,医生总是寻求为病人提供个性化治疗. 希波克拉底(公元前460-370)3 描述了古代医生如何摆脱“一刀切”的方法. 在现代,雄心勃勃的项目,如 人类基因组计划 were a huge leap forward in helping scientists discover what underlies and drives human health and illness at a genetic level. 这项技术迅速发展,使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够识别导致疾病的基因, particularly in cancers where we were able to develop single gene tests to identify patients and treat them with targeted therapies.

从那时起, 研究界已经能够绘制基因产物(如蛋白质)的图谱, 酶和尿液生物标志物)除了基因组, 澳门葡京赌博游戏开始发现它们是如何与疾病联系起来的. 这些知识有助于指导针对更复杂疾病的精准医学方法, so we can ensure that more and more patients are matched to those medicines most likely to benefit them. 澳门葡京赌博游戏也致力于治疗处于疾病早期阶段的患者, 这时是转化疾病的最佳时机. Taking this approach to discovery and development of medicines is a step-change in patient-centric healthcare, enabling targeted treatments that provide more predictable and better outcomes for patients as well as more efficient use of medicines.


澳门葡京网赌游戏, we first started applying a precision medicine approach to our drug discovery over 10 years ago, identifying and testing specific biomarkers that might guide the development of candidate drug molecules, 从肿瘤学开始. 当时, we focused on candidate medicines that were late in development and retrospectively analysed data from our clinical trials to identify patients who had responded to treatment. 澳门葡京赌博游戏很快就开始研究各种癌症, identifying genes responsible for tumour growth and developed single gene tests alongside the process of drug development, so we could identify and enrol patients right at the start of clinical trials who were most likely to benefit from a targeted therapy.

Evolving technology is now allowing us to move from single genetic tests to a wide range of diagnostic approaches using rich scientific data from genetic and molecular biomarkers. 除了, our teams are also developing tests that consider clinical and patient use right from the start of the drug discovery process. 澳门葡京赌博游戏与新兴和成熟的诊断公司建立了全球合作伙伴关系, 这样澳门葡京赌博游戏就可以在澳门葡京赌博游戏的测试方法中加入最新的技术进步. This is also beneficial for physicians and patients to select the best treatment path earlier in disease. We work closely with regulatory agencies and other healthcare institutions to determine how we can reduce access barriers across the globe.


澳门葡京赌博游戏90%的产品都应用了精准医疗, we are taking our learnings and success from oncology and applying them to complex chronic diseases, 比如哮喘或心力衰竭, 使用 5R研究框架 (合适的目标,合适的患者,合适的组织,合适的安全性,合适的商业潜力).

With this expansion across our therapeutic areas comes new areas of science and technology.  使用人工智能, 或人工智能, we can test up to a million biomarker models in early phase clinical trials which is something that would be impossible by humans alone. 除了, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在开发数字应用程序, 与COVID-19大流行期间使用的类似, to simplify patients’ experience when they enrol for diagnostic testing in our clinical trials.

支持精准医学专业知识和领导者的发展, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的精准医学学院于2021年11月成立. This unique academy is targeted to early career researchers and will enrol cohorts from across varied geographical locations and from diverse backgrounds. 在三年的课程中, members will have the opportunity to work with leading mentors from industry and academia, 从事理论学习,从一开始就获得宝贵的实践经验, 从事药物诊断项目.

澳门葡京赌博游戏不仅在培养精准医疗人才, 澳门葡京赌博游戏也在推动技术的发展. Collaborations with leading academic and biotech partners have driven advances in sequencing technologies where we can now sequence an entire genome in a matter of hours with a device small enough to fit in your pocket. Historically this would have taken years to achieve and multiple rooms’ worth of computer technology. This unprecedented progress is aligned to initiatives from industry and academia to bring diagnostic testing nearer to patients worldwide. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是为患者提供更方便的检测, 从而帮助那些符合条件的人获得最好的治疗.

Our ambition in precision medicine is to dramatically accelerate biomarker testing to change patient outcomes. 随着技术的进步,澳门葡京赌博游戏的科学知识变得更加完善, 澳门葡京赌博游戏能够更好地推进研究和发展, 以及改变未来对健康和疾病的监测. 例如, we are currently testing a model of adaptive treatment depending on diagnostic test results. This therapy switch concept could monitor a patient’s response to treatment using circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) where, 如果血液中的浓度没有下降, 这将表明需要改用替代疗法. To achieve this we are exploring diagnostics that can detect ultra-low levels of ctDNA with enough sensitivity and specificity that a physician can use it to tailor treatment.

Find out more about the history of precision medicine and some of the key milestones from the industry as well as from our research and development over the last few decades.





1. BMJ. 理查德·史密斯:精准医疗是一种幻想吗? (互联网). 英国医学杂志. 2018年[引自2022年12月19日]. 可从:http://blogs获得.bmj.com/bmj/2018/07/13/richard-smith-is-precision-medicine-a-fantasy/

2. FDA的个体化医疗. [引自2022年12月19日]. 可从:http://www获得.personalizedmedicinecoalition.org/Userfiles/PMC-Corporate/file/PM_at_FDA_A_Progress_and_Outlook_Report.pdf

3. 个性化医疗| Scitable学科学【澳门葡京网赌游戏】. 自然.com. 2014. 可从:http://www获得.自然.com/scitable/topicpage/personalized-medicine-hope-or-hype-815/

4. 白宫精准医疗计划[互联网]. 白宫. 2015. 可从:http://obamawhitehouse获得.档案.gov / precision-medicine

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